Tuesday, June 28, 2011


My post-op appointment was yesterday.  I was relieved of what I didn't know I had but which also explained the odd feeling at the site of my incision.  I was relieved of 9 staples in my back.  Now, I'd been glued together after my other back surgery 3.5 years ago, so it never occurred to me that I would be stapled shut this time.  The incision was a bit longer, so maybe that had something to do with it, but finding out I had staples in my back explained why I felt every bump while riding in the car and why I had to carefully maneuver turning over in bed.  Some things are better left unknown, and it was probably best that I didn't know I had hardware/office supplies in my back.  Staple number 8 was the tough one to get out; the nurse said it was 'crooked', probably like one of those mangled staples that all of us have encountered while trying to staple pages together, but this time it was my skin that was stuck. But they are out, and what a relief it is.  My incision is healing nicely, but the doctor can't figure out why I've been experiencing a low-grade fever and chills some nights and not others, which means I must call him on Friday to let him know how I'm doing.  The nicest thing about having the bandage off and the staples removed is that I can now wash my entire back and not have to keep part of it dry.  However, knowing that I was sleeping on staples gives me the heebee-jeebees.  Glad they are out!
After my post-op appointment, my daughter treated me to a pedicure.  Since I can't reach my toes, and won't be able to for still another 4 weeks, they were in dire need of attention, and she gladly treated me to this luxury as a thank you for taking care of her dogs while they were on vacation a few weeks ago.  To be honest, it was truly my first pedicure.  I've always considered them unnecessary and a luxury treatment that one didn't need if one could trim their own nails, but now that I've had a pedicure since I can't reach my toes, I just might treat myself to one on a regular basis. 
My toenails are now painted a lovely ocean blue.  My daughter had hers painted red, and when she got home and checked on her hens in the back yard, they decided that her feet were now something to be pecked, but that's another story entirely.  My granddaughter has green and pink toenails and fingernails with flowers painted on them.  Such a splurge for a 9-year-old girl, but she's worth it, especially after waiting patiently for her nana to get through at the doctor's office. 
Other than being able to drive now -- with great caution and only if I feel strong enough -- nothing else has changed.  I'm still restricted as to bending, twisting and lifting less than 10 pounds.  I ventured out to the grocery store this morning and gladly asked for assistance.  I was exhausted when I got home and unloaded the groceries very carefully in small quantities.  Naptime soon followed.
The only disappointment of the day is that I had to wear my tennis shoes and socks to go to the store, so no one saw my fancy toenails.  Oh well, maybe next time! 

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