Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Amazingly, I returned home about 24 hours after my surgery.  Medical advances have been incredible in the past years, and I'm continually surprised at the length of time, or lack thereof, people stay in the hospital for surgical procedures.  Granted, I think some of those times are too short for some procedures.  I was somewhat hesitant to return home the day after surgery due to the problems I had with pain management 3.5 years ago with my first back surgery; I didn't want my husband to have to call 911 like he did before because I couldn't breathe.  Fortunately, this time the pain has been managed well, which I really can't understand because I'm on the same narcotic that I was on the other time, so I don't understand why it was so different this time, but I'm thankful that it was.  Five hours after surgery, I was up and walking, although rather shakily, and all I walked was from my bed to the door and back.  But as time wore on and I had a meal, I improved quickly.  The night at the hospital wasn't comfortable, and I ended up in the recliner because it was more comfortable than the bed.  And the IV they pumped into me caused me to use the restroom every 1.5 - 3 hours, so it's rather difficult to get a good stretch of sleep when one must use the restroom so frequently.  But my first night at home was good.  I set my alarm clock for 2 AM so I could take my pain killer on time, and then slept through until 6:35 AM when Bob's mother called and woke us up.  I'm restricted from bending, twisting, and lifting more than 10 pounds for the next 6 weeks. 
The incision is uncomfortable in that it's tight and pulls when I sit or stand, and I feel as if I've been hit by a Mack truck in my back at my waistline.  My right leg is numb, much moreso than before the surgery, but that's attributed to the swelling from the surgery and will resolve itself as the swelling subsides. 
I have no recollection of even getting wheeled into surgery.  I remember the anesthesiologist coming into my 'holding pen', and he happened to have the exact same birthdate as me, so we talked about that, and then he started talking to my husband about where he was born, which happened to be Alabama, and since that's where Bob was born, they had a lot to talk about.  I don't remember anything until waking up in the recovery room in a horrific amount of pain.  That was resolved in due order, I went to my room, Bob came in, and I was soon on my feet and walking. 
So recovery now continues at home.  The weather has taken a turn to cooler temps after a much-needed rain, so it's enjoyable to sit outside and watch the hummingbirds and bees.  I've been so thankful for all the prayers that have been offered for me, and I know that God will see me through to complete recovery. 

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