Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coping with Limitations

It's been 10 days since the steroid injection in my back, and nothing has changed.  I return to my doctor next Tuesday for followup.  I'm beginning to face the strong possibility of a second surgery on my back.  I don't look forward to it at all. 
In the meantime, I'm doing my best to cope with my limitations.  I told my husband yesterday that I feel depressed and useless.  I can't work in the garden; I can't do much in the house; I can't even take a walk down the street.  My frustration is growing by the day.  I've resumed work on a counted cross stitch picture that I haven't touched for years and is 3/4 completed to occupy my hands and mind.  I've also taken up bead work, making earrings, necklaces and bracelets.  I've read all the books I had that I hadn't read -- but I found one more yesterday, so I can read that one now.  However, I can't bring myself to do everyday things, like balancing the checkbook and paying bills.  I can't differentiate one day from the other and often get confused as to what day I did what.  The sameness of my days leaves me confused.
So I'm trying to pull myself out of this funk while coming to terms with the possibility of more surgery.  Yes, I'm questioning God, but I'm trying to do it quietly and politely, but that often doesn't work.  I know He has a purpose in all of this, but I do wish He'd share it with me so I could understand.
Oppressive heat is currently gripping our area.  The high temperatures have reached well into the 90's for several days, and there's no end in sight, so I'm confined to indoors.  I'm an outdoor person, but when it gets this hot, just being outside causes one to sweat.  I was watering our potted plants this morning and had rivers of sweat running down my body -- no hard work required.  We've had adequate rains -- until now.  There's no rain in the forecast that runs for the next week, and the heat is going to dry out the topsoil quickly.  Watering will once again become necessary.
Our perennial garden is blooming profusely.  The day lilies are beginning to bloom, and we have about 12 different varieties.  We've picked pattypan and zucchini squash from the garden.  I harvested the first cucumber yesterday, and I pick blueberries daily.  The tomato plants are four feet tall and growing, and most of them are now loaded with small tomatoes.  Some of the cherry tomatoes are beginning to change color.  I can't wait for that first fresh garden tomato! 
As I wander through my spiritual desert in this time of limitations, I cling to the hope that God will bring me through and that my usefulness and health will be restored. 

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