Friday, June 10, 2011

Round Two

I've hesitated posting again because of what I must write.  My appointment with my doctor yielded the decision to undergo surgery to correct the bulging disk in my back, which has simply worsened over time.  My doctor gave me three options:  1) don't do anything and see if it gets better over time (but since it's getting worse, that didn't seem like a good option); 2) have another steroid injection (I've had 2 of those, and neither treatment has given positive results); and 3) undergo surgery -- and that seems like the best and only option left.
I've prayed diligently for healing, and others have also done so, but God, for whatever reason, has chosen me to walk in His grace and mercy through another surgery.  Yes, I've questioned 'why', as I'm sure all of you have done at some point in your life, but God chooses to leave me relying on His strength, because I don't have any of my own.  I spent 2.5 hours yesterday at the hospital undergoing all the pre-op tests and paperwork and am now awaiting a call with the scheduled time for surgery on Monday. 
In the meantime, I'm enjoying things as much as I can.  My back pain gets progressively worse during the day, so the mornings are better for me.  Due to the extreme heat and lack of rain we've been experiencing, I spend an inordinate amount of time watering my potted plants and vegetable garden.  We're enjoying produce from the garden even now -- cucumbers, the first tomatoes, green beans, pattypan squash, zucchini, lettuce, and even potatoes.  I dug around the potato plants that were turning yellow yesterday and found some really nice spuds; one in partcular was as long as my hand!  My grandson Niland helped me plant those potatoes in March, and I can't wait for him to come over and dig out his own potatoes!  He'll be so amazed!  My flower gardens are in full bloom; even the rose I planted in memory of my late sister has bloomed, its red flowers startling in the sunlight, fragrant as can be.  The day lilies are starting to bloom, and the varieties we have range in color from white to dark purple.  Every time I see one, it reminds me of the verse that says Solomon in all his glory wasn't arrayed like one of them.  It's been too hot (97 degrees that last 2 days, and well into the 90's for the last week) to sit outside, so I've been keeping busy inside by doing counted cross stitch and reading, and I've now taken up making jewelry with glass beads.  Challenging and interesting and somewhat frustrating, but the results are worth it. 
I've been able to go to my son's house and watch his 2 boys while my daughter-in-law took the new baby with her to 2 doctor's appointments, one for the baby and one for her.  Even though I can't do much but watch them, I'm able to spend time with them, which I cherish and which keeps me from feeling like I've totally let them down with this back injury.  The baby has put on almost 4 pounds since he was born 6 weeks ago; he's as cute as his 2 older brothers! 
This week I've been taking care of my daughter's 2 dogs; Jack weighs about 65 pounds and Maisy weighs about 45 pounds, and they look almost identical although they are about 9 years apart in age.  They are wonderful company, very obedient and friendly, but shed like crazy!  And since they are both black, the fur is easily seen on the rug.  Combine that with the fur from 2 long-haired cats, and you can understand why there are fur balls rolling around the house.  The dogs and cats have found peace with each other, passing each other in close proximity and going about their business.  As long as the dogs don't stop and put their faces up to the cats, everything's fine.  The dogs return home tomorrow, and then we can vacuum up all that fur! 
I'll try to post again before my surgery.  In order to get rid of the sharp pains in my back, I have to subject myself to something that creates a different pain, all to be free from pain.  Likewise, sin makes our hearts sick, but God can do surgery that ultimately brings complete healing and restoration of the heart -- from a heart of stone to heart of clay, pliable and workable in the hands of God.

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