Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bits and Pieces

As many of you probably know, being cooped up in your house, for whatever reason, is not enjoyable, and being further restricted by physical limitations adds to the misery.  So when someone thinks about you and actually does something for you, that act of consideration can be an incredible lift to the spirit.  Yesterday was a usual boring day for me -- not that I don't keep busy crocheting, beading and reading, but a person can only take so much of that -- when my daughter called and asked if I'd like to go to a movie with her and her children.  Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity!  She picked me up 20 minutes later, and off we went to Southpoint Mall.  Arriving half an hour before movie time, we sauntered into Crate and Barrel, where it was no problem for me to pick up a few things on sale.  Then we ambled over to the theater, where we watched "Mr. Popper's Penguines" -- and I highly recommend it.  This was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, appropriate for young children and grandparents alike!  After the movie, we walked a short distance and had dinner at one of the restaurants, and my daughter delivered me home at 7:45 PM.  My husband had just gotten home from work and gladly ate the contents of the container I brought home with all of our left-overs from our meal -- more than enough to feed him!While we were eating in the restaurant, my granddaughter Cami told me that she wanted to get a lizard for a pet; she was even saving her money to pay for it, including the container that would be the lizard's home.  Now I'm surprised that my very girly granddaughter wants a lizard -- a gecko (is that the right spelling?) to be exact; she doesn't look like the lizard-loving type!  My daugher seemed to go along with the idea but told Cami that she would have to convince her dad, who was on an out-of-town trip at the time.  Personnally, I don't see the need to purchase a lizard when we have them running all over our deck, but I don't know if they are the desired gecko!
Receiving this blessing of a movie and dinner was a God thing -- literally.  We have friends who have been and are bringing food to our home to help me through this convalescent period, and the woman who was supposed to provide the meal yesterday wasn't able to due to unavoidable circumstances.  My daughter's invitation provided not only dinner, but entertainment and time with my grandchildren, which I've been sorely missing due to this back injury.  If my friend had been able to deliver the meal, I would have had to decline my daughter's invitation -- a God thing indeed!
Lizards, movies, dinner, a little shopping, a trip outside my home -- bits and pieces of everyday life.  They are what makes life special.  Enjoy all of your bits and pieces because they make up the painting of your life. 

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