Monday, June 20, 2011

Garden Delights

One of the things in life that gives me great pleasure is my flower gardens.  Things that I have planted several years ago reliably reappear every year, giving me -- and others -- a feast for the eyes.  My husband and I took so many photos of the flowers the other day that it was difficult for me to choose three to post here.  The first is a purple coneflower, one of nature's most reliable bloomers.  The next is a black-eyed Susan.  These are borne from seeds produced the previous year, and each plant is different in shading and coloring, making for striking changes of color.  The third is one of our many day lily varities.
As I watch  the scene before me change daily, I'm reminded of Genesis 8:22:  "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease."  I find great comfort in the reliability of the seasons and the rise of the sun each morning.  Everyone expects these things to be dependable.  None of us worries that the seasons won't change or that the sun won't rise, and rightly so.  God has ordained these things; they won't change as long as the earth remains.
As the flowers in my gardens bloom and then fade, the scene changes daily, but I know that my God doesn't change.  He is reliable, no matter what we are going through.  He causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on both the good and the bad.  He has created everything that fills my eyes with indescribable beauty; He has given me the responsibility to care for the tiny plot of land that is my yard, and enjoying what He has ordained is easy.  I hope you also enjoy the photos here -- they are just a snipet of my gardens, compliments of the Master Gardener.

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