Friday, July 1, 2011

Strong Back Needed!

Yesterday I received a blessing -- my grandson, Luke, who is almost 13, is 5 feet 6.5 inches tall, and weighs 131 pounds, came over to help with some work that needed to be done at our house.  With me not being able to do much, all of the work had been put on my husband, and he just couldn't keep up with things and still work full-time.  So Luke was delivered at 8:15 in the morning by his dad, and soon Bob had him working hard in the yard.  Where we had a small wall built and top soil delivered to fill in the space, making the side yard more level, Luke raked and leveled the dirt and inserted chunks of Zoysia sod into the soil.  He had to detach one roll of Zoysia grass from the dirt as it had already rooted, and that was hot, sweaty work.  Later, he hosed out and cleaned a small pool that we were draining, planted some monkey grass, hoed weeds in the garden, swept the hardwood floors, and did several other small things that I needed to have done.  And he did it all without complaint and with a very good attitude.
It was wonderful to have Luke with me all day; now that he's a young man, I don't get to spend much time one-on-one with him, so it was good to have that time together.  Bob was very pleased with the yard when he finally got home and was very impressed that Luke stuck to it and did such a good job.  Without Luke's help, I'd still be waiting for Bob to get things done, so both of us are grateful to him for all the work he did.
It's difficult for me to believe that my oldest grandchild, which is Luke, is going to be 13 in October.  Time passes so quickly, and we don't really notice that passing until we have children of our own and can see them literally growing before our eyes.  Children are an inheritance from the Lord.  They are given to us to raise; they are not ours to keep.  We must release them when they are grown.  And time passes so quickly!  Newborn babies look different a month later!  And a year after birth, they are walking, causing misery for parents as they get into everything.  If only we could stop time and enjoy things for a bit longer -- but we can't.  The book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 2, has that well-known poem about time -- to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.  Pick up your Bible and read the entire poen.  And then grasp every moment of time that you have from God above. 

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