Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spring Brings Hummingbirds

Today is Sunday, a day of rest, or at least it's supposed to be a day of rest.  My husband and I worked in the yard, doing what I consider to be relaxing, yet it was work still the same.  I planted some creeping phlox and hollyhocks in a huge pot and am looking forward to the time when the blooms on the hollyhocks attract the hummingbirds which frequent our yard.  We've taken videos of them fighting territorial battles and "dancing" to attract a mate around our feeders.  They are such amazing creatures, the only bird which can fly backwards and hover over a flower as their long tongue sips the nectar from a flower.  We'll be putting up our feeders in a week or two as the hummingbirds have always come back the first or second week of April in this part of North Carolina.  We always get excited at their return!

Thought for the day:  Like a spring of pure water, God's peace in our hearts brings cleansing and refreshment to our minds and bodies. --- Billy Graham

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