Saturday, March 16, 2019

New Blog Title!

So, I finally found a new name for my blog, something more fitting for the stage of life into which I've grown with age.  Yes, I'm getting older all the time, and I've come to the conclusion age sneaks up on you and you don't even realize it!  As I sometimes say, I got old when I wasn't watching!  I'm also not ashamed to tell my age (69) because many people don't get to live as long as I've lived, so "I'm not ashamed to say and I'm glad for every day" is what I tell people now.  Every breath I take is by the grace of God, so will I be ashamed to speak of His grace?  Never!

For those of you under 50 years of age, grasp every moment you can with your kids, grown or not.  Before you know it, they'll have families of their own, and when those families expand and include children, your grandchildren, life takes another turn for your kids and for yourself.  Our eight grandchildren now range in age from five years up to 20 years, and we've been in the grandparenting phase for over 20 years now; even thought it's an amazing time of life, it comes with its challenges, but the rewards are innumerable.

Because I was raised in a children's home from the age of 8-18, I've not had a role model in my life for any phase of my life.  I learned about marriage when I married; I learned about being a mother when I became a mother; and now I'm navigating grandparenting on my own.  Sadly, I've failed at many things in life, failed those who counted on me, failed to be what God had planned for me to be.  But all I have is the here and now; I can't undo any of my past mistakes or failures; I can only learn from them and pray for forgiveness.  I want to be the best nana (that's what my grandkids call me) I can be; thus the new name for my blog.

I hope you continue reading and hope some of you will even comment on my posts.  I've felt like I've been writing in a desert, sending my posts into cyberspace, and it would be good to know someone, or lots of someones, are reading and hopefully benefitting from what I write.

Thought for today:  God knows us intimately; His Word states, in Matthew 10:30:  And even the hairs of your head are all numbered.


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I look forward torward to reading the words of wisdom you have to share!

  2. Encouraging post, Barbara! Great new title and great perspective. Thanks for sharing your gifts with the world!
