Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Active again!

I'm back!!  It's been almost six years since I've posted on this blog, and hopefully I'll continue to post on a regular basis. What's happened in the last six years?  We've had another grandson, bringing the total to eight grandchildren with seven of them being boys!  We are blessed indeed!
I was laid off from my job in March of 2014, but it was a good thing for me as I was discontent at my job and had nothing to do most of the time.  Because I was so close to my 65th birthday, I didn't bother to look for another job and haven't regretted the decision.  I've been spending my time doing things I love to do and hadn't had the chance to do for years.  First I started making soap, something I'd never done but had always wanted to try.  I marketed the products at the Durham Craft Market every Saturday, setting everything up under a 10x10 canopy and selling for 4 hours.  It was fun and brought in extra money for four years, but I dropped that when I returned to my drawing.  I hadn't drawn anything for about 18 years but was able to get right back into it.  I discovered colored pencils as my new medium and have been enjoying drawing horses, my favorite animal in the world.  Well, I have cats and love them dearly and have never had a horse and probably never will have one, but I think they're magnificent.  I'm now stretching my wings and trying to master water color, which I find very difficult.
I've also continued gardening, both flowers and vegetables, and thoroughly enjoy the growing season in North Carolina.  My husband also retired almost three years ago, and we purchased a used travel trailer, so we've given up tent camping and have embraced trailering.  Many years ago I said I'd never do that, but time, aging and surgeries have changed my outlook; we don't mind having air-conditioning and heat, as well as a bathroom, in our small trailer.  We don't travel far with it because our car is only a V6, but we have several state parks close to us and enjoy getting away from our normal routine and out into the open spaces.  We've also purchased a kayak and enjoy paddling around the lakes at the campgrounds.  
I've continued writing books and have republished "Amanda's Hope", so it has a new cover and design but is still the same book.  You can purchase the book on Amazon by searching BOOKS and my name.  You can also go to my website, to purchase the book or order it through Barnes and Noble.  In the meantime I've reworked another story I've written, "Stay of Execution," and hope to get that published sometime this year.  
God has been good through the years, even through a difficult foot surgery and recovery.  One summer I was blessed to take care of my son's three boys for the summer; when they started back to school, I felt like I'd been laid off again!  We loved having them every weekday and missed them so much when summer ended.
We've become involved with Open Table Ministry here in Durham and help every Monday to serve a meal to the homeless people who come to the church where it's served.  We don't cook but churches and civic groups sign up to bring food for at least 140 people, and when they arrive we help them set up and serve the food then clean up afterward.  We've seen babies and small children come in with their mothers and sometimes with their fathers, too, and that always breaks my heart.  I've come to know some of the people and their struggles.  Open Table helps them get jobs, provides transportation at times, helps them get housing, provides free clothing, and many other things as well.  My daughter is on the Board of Directors.
Other things which keep me busy are knitting and crocheting.  I've made numerous stocking caps and donated them during the winter months; I make baby blankets when someone I know is having a little one; I spend time each week with an invalid friend and help her as needed; I babysit at my church when MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is in session, so you can see I'm a busy person.  But I love what I do.
As I entered this "retirement" stage of life, I knew I wouldn't be sitting around my house eating, drinking and being merry, or traveling and having a good time.  I knew I would be serving and helping others as that's what God's called me to do.  There are so many needy people in the world, so many who need help in myriad ways that to sit and do nothing is, to me, wrong.  As long as God gives each of us breath, we should be working and helping those in need.  That doesn't mean you can't have a vacation or go somewhere you'd love to visit; it just means that we shouldn't live for ourselves, but for others and for the God who created us.  
I hope you'll check back occasionally as I continue blogging.  I'll post short stories and/or events in our lives.  As always, God is the source of life and all goodness.  


  1. Hi Barbara, thanks for sharing. It is encouraging for me ,as I near retirement, to hear how successful you have been at keeping your identity. As a nurse,I wonder how I will untangle my identity, this is an exciting phase of life to be in

  2. Nice blog, Barb but I found the highlights to be distracting. I think straight text is fine and much easier to read: just my humble opinion. Keep on blogging!
