Tuesday, March 26, 2019

House Cleaning

Through the years I've written several devotional readings, and I'll be posting them on occasion.  I hope they bless you.

You blind Pharisee!  First clean the inside of the cup and of the plate, so that the outside may be clean also.  Matthew 23:26

I think most women will agree with me about housecleaning -- it isn't a job we necessarily enjoy and it's far from appreciated by those who live with us -- but it's something that must be done.  I haven't yet figured out how to live in my home and keep it from getting dirty; there just isn't a way.  Now, I could give my house a thorough cleaning, lock the door and go live somewhere else, but what would that accomplish?  My husband wouldn't be happy about leaving his home, nor would my cats!  And the new place in which we lived would get dirty and need to be cleaned, too, even as the house I locked up would still get dusty.  There's no way around it; housecleaning is a fact of life, a necessity, and a job which must be done over and over again.

I'm happy with the thought that when I get to my heavenly mansion, I won't have to clean it.  I don't know how that's going to work, but I'm certain God is going to deliver us from the drudgery of daily life on this earth.  

But in the meantime, I'm still here, so I have to vacuum and dust my home on a regular basis, as well as clean the bathrooms.  If I don't, the hardwood floors would have dust bunnies on them, the area rugs would be covered with dirt and cat fur, and the furniture would be useful as a writing tablet with all the dust on it.  Often I have to force myself to do the housecleaning, and it can be pretty disheartening because I know that a few days later, it won't even look like I've cleaned the place, and I'll have to do it again.  Thankfully, Bob helps with the vacuuming!

Despite all this drudgery, I do find an element of satisfaction in cleaning my home.  God gave us a lovely home, furnished and decorated with nice things, and I can show my thanks and honor God by taking care of what He's given us.  And strangely, I also find joy and a sense of accomplishment in doing a good job.  Even though it may not be outwardly noticed or appreciated by our family members, we need to remember that God sees our hard work and appreciates it' we give Him glory by our hard work.

Our hearts are our spiritual homes, and we must keep them clean also.  Just as I clean my house, I must seek forgiveness and mercy at the feet of my Heavenly Father on a regular basis for the dirt, the sin, that creeps into my life.  If I allow sin and its friends to inhabit my heart, my soul, I'll become dirty within, and that will be reflected in my outward life.  But if I keep my heart clean before God and allow Him to work in me, my outward life will reflect Hs character, His likeness.  The satisfaction and joy I experience by living this way is far greater than the way I feel after cleaning my physical house.

We need to keep our spiritual homes in order, clean and tidy, for only then will we feel comfortable with Christ living in us.  If we have dirty, hidden rooms, locked up tight so no one can see what's inside, including God, we won't want God walking around our spiritual homes, for He will ask us to open those doors which we've closed to Him.  Then, and only then, can God cleanse us and flood our dark rooms with light; He will help us keep every room in our hearts clean and open to His loving care.

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