Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Moving Along to Wellness

Another visit to my orthopaedic surgeon this morning showed that things are mending nicely.  I guess I should expect to have pain in my lower back at this time, but I surely do hope it goes away.  Nights are the worst.  Moving around in bed is so uncomfortable that it wakes me up, and I dare say that I've bothered my husband on most of those nights.  Some of my restrictions have been lifted, so I can now twist and bend, but only as much as is comfortable for me.  Guess I won't be doing a full aerobic workout for a while!
My husband's daughter, Kristen, is going to bring dinner for us tonight -- and I can't thank her enough.  Such simple things as cooking and cleaning tire me easily, so her offering of a meal is such an overwhelming blessing.  And a neighbor of mine has cleaned our house twice to help us out, and that's no small feat with 2 large cats with very long fur lounging around on the area rugs.  Again, God has provided for our needs during this time, going back to the first week I was home from the hospital when friends from church brought meals over every other night.  I don't know what I would have done without all this help.
So I'm now going to concentrate on getting back my strength; I think the urinary tract infection truly sapped me and has slowed the recovery from the surgery.  Now that that's behind me, I can do a little cleaning, cooking, and maybe a little gardening, but I'll pace myself and not overdo it.  I'm definitely not as young as I used to be!
When Bob and I returned from the beach on Tuesday so he could catch a flight on Wednesday morning, I was blessed with a most wondrous event on my deck.  I had returned from the doctor, where I learned that I did have a urinary tract infection, as suspected, and went outside to sit on the deck.  We have 3 hummingbird feeders, one of which is suspended from underneath the umbrella around our table.  I pulled a chair out from the table and sat on it, and within one minute, 4 hummingbirds were flying around me, all of them chattering their chirping sounds and hovering less than 2 feet from my face!  It was as if they were saying, "Hey, where have you been?  We sure are glad that you're back!  Please put fresh sugar water in our feeder!"  So I did just that.  When I came back outside with the feeder, I wondered if a hummingbird would come and drink from it if I held it in my hand, so I returned to the chair, rested my elbow on the armrest, and held the feeder still.  I was immediately surrounded by several birds, and one little fellow flew down and had a drink!  It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! 
Hummingbirds frequent our feeders and do battle over them.  They captivate me like no other bird.  So small, so full of energy, such fast flyers, and such unique appetites -- the tiniest of birds.  They bring delight to the soul and lift spirits simply by their beauty and amazing flying skills. 

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