Saturday, July 23, 2011

How Hot Is It?

For those of you who live in hotter climates (I know there are some), seeing temperatures climb to 103 degrees is nothing, but for those of us in the Carolinas, this is record-breaking heat.  The hottest temperature ever recorded in North Carolina is 105, and that occurred back in 1952, if I'm remembering correctly the information passed on by the weather man.  So today is the fourth consecutive day that we've seen 100 or better, and all I can say is hot is hot!  Once it hits 100 degrees, what does it matter if it climbs to 103 or 105?  For me, it doesn't matter at all!  It just gets more miserable to be outside!  Needless to say, I don't go outside unless I have to, but since I have my daughter's 2 dogs for the weekend, outside I must go several times a day.  It feels like I'm opening an oven door when I slide the door open; I'm tempted to place a skillet in the sun, add a little oil, and drop in an egg -- just to see if it will cook!  I don't doubt for a minute that it would!
My granddaughter Cami is with me for the weekend while her mother and father take her brother to a camp in Pennsylvania -- in the mountains where it will be a heck of a lot cooler!  Cami and I have thought about going to the pool, which we'll probably do tomorrow, but if we go, I'm going to take my beach umbrella so I can have some shade.  The thought of sitting in the sun, albeit soaking wet, simply does not appeal to me.  There are better ways to spend an afternoon, like in the air-conditioning!
Even the dogs have come to appreciate the cool air inside.  Neither one of them wants to be outside for long, and who can blame them.  They are black as coal and get too hot to touch if left in the sun long enough.  I pity those with black hair in weather like this and thank God that mine is now white!
Rain has been absent from our area even though showers have fallen elsewhere.  I've told God that I sure could use a little help in keeping the vegetation in my yard alive -- He does a much better job of watering than I do in a fraction of the time, and it's free!
If you live in the part of the US that is experiencing this excessive heat, stay cool and stay hydrated, and if you have pets, please bring them inside.  In the meantime, pray for relief! 

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