Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Epidemic

This blog is a far cry from my normal writing and not pleasant to discuss, but I hope you read on.  I've been sickened by what I hear in the news almost daily.
There's an epidemic running rampant in this country, and it's horrific beyond description.  Fathers are killing the mothers of their children.  Yes, killing the very women to whom they made love and with whom they fathered children -- how horrendous is that!?  They are also killing their pregnant wives!  In the Raleigh/Durham area alone, there are multiple cases involving such crimes, two of which have occurred during the last two weeks.  These crimes are beyond my comprehension, and I hope they are beyond yours, too.
The very people that God has commanded to protect their wives are killing them instead.  Many times the couple is no longer married or never married in the first place, but had children together, and are going through a bitter custody battle.  How can any man raise a hand to women they have bedded?  (I can't say "loved" because if they loved that woman, they never would be able to murder her.)  The most recent case in my area involves a man and his current wife, by whom he had a child this past spring, murdering his former girlfriend, by whom he had two boys, now ages 1 and 3, dismembering her body, packing it in coolers, and driving it to another state, where it was tossed into a creek.  Their attempt to go undiscovered obviously didn't pay off because they are now behind bars and not allowed bail.  This horrific crime has stunned this area and has emphasized the fact that men are abdicating their responsibilities to women, their wives, and their children. 
The Bible has hundreds of references to the word "father", and the Psalms and Proverbs are filled with words of wisdom as to the responsibility of fathers toward their children.  The way men treat women nowadays is a far cry from honoring and cherishing them, and pointing fingers at other nations and the way they treat their women seems to be a bit hypocritical when an epidemic of murdering mothers has gripped this nation.  Yes, other nations do treat their women unjustly; that's a known fact.  Yet men in this country have turned a harsh hand toward women that have given birth to their children, and something must be done about it.  But what?
I heard a statistic recently, and I wish I could remember the exact figures, but it had to do with the number of families that actually had fathers present and active in them.  About 30 years ago, 79% of families had a father, but currently only 47% do.  Women are being impregnated and left to handle the responsibilities of raising a fatherless child.  This is breeding disaster for our nation and for any other country which is in the same boat. 
If a country loses its moral compass, anything goes, and we are slipping down a slope that encourages irresponsibility, selfishness, corruption, dishonesty, immorality, deceit, and a belief that anyone can do what they want, when they want.  Such a sad state of affairs will not go unnoticed by God.  It's time to get back to basics, back to family, and back to faith. 

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