Saturday, July 16, 2011


Some things are easily understood, others aren't.  This past week has seen an unexpected increase in back pain for me, but on the left side, not the right, so I'm now back on tapered Prednisone.  If I don't do much but sit around, I'm fine, but if I take a walk for 8-10 minutes or actually DO anything that comes close to being called work, then I have pain.  This doesn't sit well with me.  I'm bewildered as to this turn of events.  One thing for certain, I have a lot of empathy for people who suffer from back pain; it is not an easy thing to endure with grace.
Even as I muddle through this recovery, I have to count my blessings.  My three sisters, the oldest of which died on April 5 of this year, have all suffered with varying degrees of back problems their entire lives.  My deceased sister had it the worst, having multiple -- probably 10 -- surgeries throughout her life and enduring pain that severely impacted her life.  My youngest sister has had not only scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and several surgeries, but is also a cancer survivor, the treatment of which caused her to develop neuropathy and which has pretty much confined her to a wheelchair.  My other sister has had at least one surgery that I can recall, a disc and fusion, so for me to have reached the ripe old age of 58 before I had any problems whatsoever is a true blessing.  I don't recall our father or his parents having back problems, so I guess it comes from our mother's side.  We have a very fractured family, so medical history is sparse at best.  Anyway, blessings always accompany problems, and I need to focus on the blessings.
We're experiencing a very pleasant change in the weather, cool enough at night to open the windows.  The hummingbirds continue to delight me, humming around my head and almost crashing into me as they war over the feeders.  This morning I saw an unusual sight -- 2 hummingbirds simultaneously on the same feeder.  They drank to their hearts' content, looked quizzically at each other, and then started sparring over the feeder.  I could just hear them saying, "Hey, we're not supposed to share -- let's duke it out!" 
There's much that goes on in my yard, as noted while I sat quietly early yesterday morning.  I saw multiple hummingbirds, American Gold Finches, a bluebird, cardinals, and countless other small songbirds darting back and forth.  If I could only be like those birds, singing simply because a new day has dawned and that they are alive to enjoy it.
Even though I'm bewildered by the increased pain in my back, I'm still going to sing because I have breath to do so.  Please join me -- we could make quite a chorus!

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