Monday, April 5, 2010

Too Little Time

Like most other people, I've come to the conclusion that there's too much to do and too little time in which to do it! Take this last week, for instance. My writing fell by the wayside due to my tomato factory! Yes, my tomato factory! I've grown 19varieties of heirloom tomato plants, ending up with 756 plants! How crazy is that! And now that the time to sell has arrived, I've been overwhelmed with organizing, boxing, labeling, and sorting all of these tomatoes. It's literally been a back-breaking experience, but the results have been good. Even though my writing fell by the wayside, I did manage to work with one of the directors of a local pregnancy center, who gave me a great deal of invaluable information on current procedures and policies. This was what I needed as my rough draft was rather biased in one particular area, and I did not know that it was biased. This just goes to show you that another pair of eyes can expose weak areas, not only in writing or story development, but in our personal lives. Having a good friend, someone who will hold you accountable when you step where you shouldn't or go down the wrong path, could literally save your life. The assitance I received took Amanda's story in a direction that I had not previously considered, and I believe this will make her story more real, interesting, and even heart-breaking.
I wrote about five pages today; I took the day off from work and continued doing the tomato thing -- I'll be glad when it's over -- but after the rush of the day, I found the time -- no, took the time -- to sit down and make some major edits in line with the suggestions that were given me. Taking this to the spiritual level, all of us need to make changes in our lives when the author of our story -- God -- tells us to make those changes. Even though we might not understand why, we'll understand when the chapter is finished.
I'll try not to let so much time go by again between my posts.

1 comment:

  1. so excited for you...and me...LOL..for selfish reasons can't wait to read it...
