Monday, April 19, 2010

Not Where I Want To Be!

The weekend is past, the time is gone, and even though I had time to write, the infamous scourge of 'writer's block' has set in. I'm having difficulty moving forward with the story at this point, so needless to say, I'm frustrated and troubled. After hoping to complete the story by the coming weekend, it now looks as if that's an impossibility. I think the writer's block was brought on by a near heart-attack experience for me Saturday morning. After waking up early and not being able to fall back to sleep, which has been quite often the case of late, I slid out of bed and booted up my laptop, on which I've been writing "Amanda's Hope." Oddly enough, an error message popped up twice while it was booting up, and when the screen opened, there was only one icon on my desktop where before there had been six. As a knot formed in my chest, I clicked on 'My Documents' and the folder said "EMPTY"! No documents? My story gone? Immediately I started thinking that I'd printed out about 125 pages of text, so I could retype that, but what in the world had happened to my laptop? Where had my story gone? Surely this was some fluke or an attack by the enemy to destroy the story and discourage me! So I prayed and asked for healing of my laptop or, in the alternative, retrieval of what I'd lost. After shutting down and rebooting, all of the icons appeared on my desktop and everything was as it should be! Praise God! Talk about near heart-failure! I now have the text saved on a flash drive! There's no way I want to experience that again. But I'm not where I want to be in the story. I'm looking forward to writing tonight, right after I post this, and I'm praying that the slump in which I find myself will be over and that the words will fly from my fingertips.
All of us experience times in life when things aren't what we want them to be, and Amanda is a prime example. Here she is, facing a situation that defines her life from this point forward, and she keeps thinking that this isn't what she had planned or even expected, but it is what it is. Through the grace of God, she's able to accept things as they are, trust Him to make the best of a bad situation, redeem her bad choices, and bring glory to His name. And so I strive to complete this story, to move on to where I want to be -- finished! But the process is slow and sometimes agonizing, connecting characters and situations and making dialogue flow easily. My prayer is that all of my readers who find themselves in a place where they don't want to be will persevere through prayer and supplication, while leaning on God's mercies, to go where He wants you to be because that's the only place that has value and meaning. Leaning on His grace and His timing will get me to where I want to be -- eventually! His time-table is not necessarily mine!

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