Monday, April 12, 2010

Tough, Touchy Subject

I knew I'd have to deal with this subject sooner or later as it is such a vital part of Amanda's story, but I'd really rather not go there. The subject of date rape is one that conjures up an act of violence against females, and that it is without a doubt, but let's take a closer look at it. Basically it means that girls who are dating or who have dated a guy end up being forced to have sex with them, against their wishes. Thus the term date rape. But just like almost everything in life, there are two sides and two points of view. Many of today's young men are ruled by testosterone; they seriously lack any self control or restraint and literally seek sexual activity. There's no such thing as "waiting until marriage" to them. So when a guy goes out with a girl, if he is expecting a 'sexual favor' at the end of the evening and the girl doesn't want it, oftentimes the guy will force himself on the girl. Date rape. He might say that his date gave every indication during the evening that she wanted it, that she led him on, that she flirted with him, and such may be the case, but does that make it okay for him to take something against someone's wishes? Absolutely not! Now from the girl's side, if she dresses provocatively, if she seductively flirts or leads him on, she may unknowingly create an atmosphere ripe for date rape. The signals being sent are clear to him, and when the delivery isn't made willingly, it can be taken by force. Should the girl lead him on and seduce him, only to leave him wanting? No. I believe it boils down to responsibility in behavior for both people. Guys shouldn't look at any girl as a sex object; most girls or women do not want to be that. Girls shouldn't be inappropriate in dress, speech or actions. It could lead to violence, pain, suffering, and humiliation.
In line with God's Word, our actions should be only those that glorify Him. Making wise choices in relationships is one of the most important things we can do to honor our Lord. Treating others as precious in God's eyes, which they are, is also honoring to God. The boundaries God has established for His people are for our protection, and as you'll see, Amanda steps out of those boundaries and ends up in a world of trouble, realizing too late that boundaries are a good thing.

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