Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Moving Forward

Sometimes life morphs into something we hadn't envisioned, like this whole thing with my heirloom tomato plants. The project took on a life of its own but, I'm glad to say, things are winding down. I'll be glad when it's over, but I'll do it again next year, only smarter!
Fortunately, I was able to spend some of my time writing, both on Monday evening and again on Tuesday evening, adding about 14 pages to Amanda's story. I think I can finish the rest of the story in about 50 more pages, so if I can keep writing 7 pages a day, I'll have it finished by . . . well, let's project a completion date of April 25th. And that will be only if I can continue to write every day. As before, my weekends are booked solid -- things with family, hosting others for dinner, church and the like, and doing all those things on weekends that I don't get a chance to do during the week because of my job. But Amanda's story is moving forward. I'm at a critical stage in the story where she must make a very important decision, one that will probably literally be the most important one of her life and truly is the most difficult. Her family -- parents and grandmother -- prefer that she decide one way, but she's torn between two ways. She's also finding out that people can be very judgmental without knowing all of the facts and circumstances, and people whom she expects to understand often don't, and those she thinks will not understand -- do. But she's moving toward that major decision, trusting God to give her wisdom and the love that she needs to make it.
Oftentimes, we make major decisions too quickly and don't consider the long-term effects of that decision on our spouse, children, job, friends, or relationship to God. Amanda has been looking at both options and sees the positive and negative points of both sides, but she's reached a point where she knows that God is in control, that he's leading her, and that he will give her peace about her decision. All of us should be that way, inquiring of God what he wants us to do, weighing the options, and considering the effects on those around us, as well as on ourselves. So take time as you move forward in life and face decisions that, once made, are irreversible. Seek wisdom and guidance from the Almighty, and he'll show you the way.

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