Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Twist in Direction

The other night, as I was writing away, I came to a point in the story, and God shot an idea in my mind as quick and as sure as an arrow hitting the bullseye of a target. I stopped typing and literally said out loud, "No, God, not that!" But He persisted, and that chapter ended entirely different than I had envisioned. In fact, the entire story from this point forward will be different than I had planned. I was a bit upset at the idea that God dropped in me -- I do believe that when I'm writing, He gives me what He wants me to write -- so I tried to ignore His persistent nudging, but to no avail. This idea hadn't entered my mind and it presents an element of tragedy into the story, which for me already has enough tragedy! Not more, God! Please not that! But God's ideas are always better than mine, so I completed the chapter as I felt He wanted me to write it. I re-read it last night and cried while reading it. I'm so sorry to have to put Amanda and her family through such a siutation, but life is life, and we can't orchestrate it the way we want to. We can plan and hope and work toward what we want, but doesn't life have a way of interrupting our plans and changing the course of events that we'd mapped out so carefully? So now the story has a different flavor, a different melody, a different texture, and I'm trying to embrace it as I move forward. When we embrace unexpected changes in our life, we can move forward; if we don't, we stay stagnant. Most of the time, change is not bad, but life goes on -- just differently. Where I work, things have changed, and it's taken some getting used to, but life has gone on, just differently. People come and go in our lives, and we often must release them to pursue their own dreams, and when we do, life continues, just differently. All of us need to embrace sudden changes in our lives, for God is the ultimate author of our story

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