Sunday, March 28, 2010

Faces of Rebellion

Sunday evening has arrived all too soon. My writing has progressed well this week, even though I've not been able to write much on the weekend, which, for women who work full-time, is filled with other work -- housecleaning, laundry, shopping, gardening, chores, paying bills -- all the ordinary stuff of life that demands so much time. But I made progress on Amanda's story; even if I write for an hour at night, I can get two pages written, which is two pages more than I had when I sat down. Little increments will eventually get me to my final goal.
As with many young people, Amanda goes through a period of rebellion, but her rebellion is more than against her parents, who she deems to be too strict, but against her God as well. Spiritual rebellion can result in consequences beyond imagination for a child of God, and chidren of the world often lead children of God into rebellion. Rebellion has many faces -- a good friend at school asking you to cheat on a paper, a college friend pushing drugs, the girlfriend who challenges you to push your limits at home, that boyfriend who offers you your first drink or who talks you into giving yourself to him, the bully in school who ridicules you for your beliefs, and yes, church people who don't walk the talk and lead you down a stray path. The only way to stay safe from spiritual rebellion is to look into the face of God, who will never lead you astray. Amanda finally comes to her senses and recognizes the face of rebellion, but it's too late for her to avoid the consequences.
If you're reading this now, I want to thank you for reading my posts. Feel free to post comments and/or feedback. Please sign in and follow my posts so I know I'm not writing to cyberspace, for Amanda's story is one of rebellion and loss, hope and healing, redemption and restoration. I think you'll like the end result, but I must apologize for the length of time it's taking me to get to the end. But I will get there; I promise!

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