Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lesson from a Lost Dog

Lessons can be learned from the strangest places, and today I was reminded of God's love for us by a lost dog.
I was taking my lunch break at work when one of the young ladies sitting next to the outside wall, which is all glass, saw a dog in the parking lot below us.  We are on the top floor, the 5th floor, of an office building.  The weather was miserable, pouring rain being driven in sheets by the wind.  Immediately, several others in the lunch room became concerned about the dog wandering in our parking lot, which is surrounded by busy roads on three sides, one being a toll road with a speed limit of 65 mph.  One employee ran downstairs and got a leash from her car, hoping to catch the dog, but by the time she did that, the dog had wandered to the back of the parking lot and was heading toward the toll road.  I couldn't watch.  The employee watching the dog left for a few minutes, and when she came back, she was trying to telephone her co-worker to tell her where the dog had gone, but she couldn't see it.  Then I saw the dog.  Miraculously, it had made it safely across the toll road which, fortunately, is not heavily traveled.  The dog was going up the on ramp on the other side of the road.  We watched as it crossed another busy 4-lane road, got on the sidewalk and headed away from our building.
In the meantime, a female attorney, who is an animal lover and rescues animals, came into the lunch room with a leash in hand.  She'd been trying to find the dog also, and when I told her where it went, she and the young lady got in her SUV and drove down the road looking for the dog.  However, the dog had gone down a drive leading to a business that had a security guard who had seen the dog walk by, but the guard would not let them have access to the property to look for the dog.  They returned to our office empty handed.  We don't know what became of the dog.
As I was thinking about this incident later in the day, I realized humanity is like the dog.  People are lost, wandering around in the world, often facing dangerous situations and hazards that could take us out, and yet Someone is looking for us to rescue us.  Even as we run away from our Rescuer, He pursues us with relentless love, seeking to find us, have us yield to His authority and be taken under His wing.
I'm sure the lost dog I saw today wanted someone to rescue him, to take him away, feed him and get him out of the cold rain.  I'm praying that he finally did get rescued even as I thank God for rescuing me!

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