Sunday, February 10, 2013

Right and Wrong

It will take me a very long time to digest Bonhoeffer; actually, I don't think I will ever complete digest all he had to say in years far fewer than those I've already been granted.  He, along with C.S. Lewis, were deep thinkers and propounded contradictions common to people world wide, delving into questions and clearly presenting thoughts which clearly set forth the truth.  But what is truth?  What is right?  What is wrong?  These questions have been debated through the centuries yet nothing seems to quiet the debate.  Instead, each generation seemingly has its own beliefs as to what is right and what is wrong, filtered through their exposure to the Bible and/or other religious writings, including those of other faiths.  This is done in an effort to make their lives more comfortable and to put the label of "right" on all of their choices.
Bonhoeffer taught that "apart from Jesus Christ, we cannot know what is right or do right.  We must look to him in every situation.  Only in him can the fathomless evil of the world be dealt a death blow."  ("Bonhoeffer", Eric Metaxas, page 472, Thomas Nelson, Inc.)  Bonhoeffer was living with the evil of National Socialism through the maniacal reign of Hitler; he was not living in society as you and I know it.  Hitler proclaimed often that God had protected him from assination, that he knew that God was on his side because of that protection, and that God had ordained that he would reign for 1000 years.  Hitler's view of right and wrong was diabolically opposed to Bonhoeffer's and most of the civilized world at that time.  Through the ages people seeking power and wealth have done the same, only to ultimately be destroyed, as was Hitler. 
God's Word tells us what is right and what is wrong.  It does not change with the passing of time.  God's Word is true, and his Word came to this earth in the form of Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man.  Only in trusting in, relying on, and living life with Jesus are we able to do what is right in a world that is full of wrong.  Sometimes doing right won't be easy, popular, or lucrative, but doing what is right in God's eyes is the only thing that has eternal value. 

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