Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The days are creeping by, and I know it's because I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of Monday, the day of possible opportunity!  I've been so unfulfilled and discontent in my job for about a year.  I don't feel as if I'm contributing to the positive in anyone's life.  Rather, I'm counting the days until retirement because my job leaves me emtpy.  I want to do something positive and something that really matters!  The opportunity on Monday really matters and will offer me the chance to do what I feel I've been called to do.  I don't want to share what it is at the moment, but it relates to the subject of my book "Amanda's Hope" yet won't have anything to do with the book.  It will offer me the chance to impact young lives and lives of the unborn. 
When I first saw this opportunity, I couldn't sleep I was so excited.  It's definitely something I want to do, so the days are dragging very slowly until I can get in for my interview Monday afternoon.  Above all, I want to do God's will, so if the opportunity is given to someone else, I'll accept it as such and continue to count down my days until retirement.  However, if the opportunity is handed to me, I'll work as long as God wants me there.
For those of you who are praying people, please lift up my interview on Monday afternoon before God's throne.  I'm beginning to despair of actually receiving the opportunity even as I believe I will get it.  Such are the enemy's tactics!  I can think of many reasons why I should receive this wonderful opportunity to serve, and yet I'm attacked with all the reasons why I should be disqualified.  My faith is being assailed - please pray that I'll remain strong. 

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