All of us know that we are uniquely and individually created, and with 5 grandsons under the age of 4 in our family, that fact is profoundly clear. My son's middle son, Benny, got to stay with us, one-on-one, last Saturday for several hours. His older brother, Niland, had a birthday party to attend close to our house, so they came for a visit first, and when Nate and Niland left for the party, Benny stayed.
Benny is 2 years 7 months old and quite conversant, although sometimes difficult to understand, as is often the case with someone that age. I didn't know if he'd stay by himself since he'd never done that before and he's very attached to his brother. But he stayed, and we had so much fun! It was a sunny but chilly day, so we bundled up and went outside. I told him I wanted to show him my flowers, so we walked to the back of the deck to see the daffodils.
"What color are they, Benny?" I asked. Benny knows his colors well, so I knew he'd answer correctly.
"Yellow." Benny paused before continuing. "I don't like yellow."
Aghast, I exclaimed, "But I like yellow! It's my favorite color!"
Without missing a beat, Benny replied, "It's not my favorite color." Now where did he get such a strong opinion? I laughed.
"What's your favorite color?"
"Green." I chuckled and took his hand as we headed off on our walk.
Upon our return, we spent time playing with PlayDoh. The last time Benny had played with the stuff, he thought it was something to eat or put in his nose, but not this time. I rolled long strands of orange 'carrots', and Benny cut them with a pair of child scissors. Never tiring of the experience, we did it again and again. We made funny noses and funny fingers, doing battle with each other and talking funny. We cut sharks from flattened doh and attacked each other. Changing to green-colored doh, I rolled green beans -- and they looked so real! Benny gathered them in his hands and smashed them together.
Papa took over while I got dinner in the oven. We watched a video. We petted Delilah, who laid her ears back and looked at me as if saying, "The kid touches me, and I'm outta here!" Oddly enough, Benny simply watched me pet her. We played with toy dinosaurs; the biggest one was Benny's favorite. He'd taken it on our walk and had chased me with it. I was bitten by that dinosaur many times!
We were back in the PlayDoh when daddy and Niland showed up. Benny eagerly told them all he'd done, and I complained that Benny did not appreciate the color of my daffodils.
One-on-one with Benny; no competition from other children! It was so much fun! Now we need to do it with each of our grandchildren.
Just as we desire to spend time with our grandkids, our Heavenly Father desires to spend time with us. That's the only way we'll get to know Him.
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