Monday, February 27, 2012


After countless grueling hours at the computer, "Amanda's Hope -- A Choice For Life" is finished!
When I started this process, I had no idea how intense it would be, and I can honestly say I'm relieved to have it completed.  I'm ready to sign off on the galley and covers after I get the final word from a friend who is reviewing the manuscript one last time.
Writing a novel 300 pages long isn't something I ever dreamed of doing.  When I was a child, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up!  But life has a way of interrupting plans, and out of necessity I went into the legal secretarial field.  Now, however, a passion to write and speak is burning in my soul, and I believe God is going to use this book to launch my later-in-life-and-more-fulfilling career.  I've felt trapped in a box for months and am eager to see what God is going to do!  I may be over 60, but God isn't finished with me yet!
Thanks for your support and prayers, and I ask that you continue to pray for God's leading as I step out of the boat and walk in faith on the waters placed before me!

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