Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Dodging all sickness this year has not been possible.  I've finally succumbed.  Last Wednesday I came home from work with body aches, chills and a sore throat.  Despite dressing warmly, wrapping up in a fuzzy blanket and being in a house warmed to 74 degrees, I was chilled to the bone for 36 hours.  After that passed, I returned to work on Friday.  I was tired on Saturday but managed to entertain friends for dinner, but Sunday was a different story.  My sinuses were invaded by something that created post-nasal drip, causing a cough which kept me awake in the morning hours.  I'm sure my husband got tired of hearing me cough and expel phlegm in the moring when I got up.  Yesterday morning I woke to my eyelids being crusty and yucky, and my eyes looked like I'd been on an all-night drinking binge. 
I broke down today and called my doctor and was able to get in to see her on short notice.  Sinus infection, pure and simple.  My voice is shot (I sound like a croaking frog), my eyes are still bloodshot (and I don't even drink - except an occasional glass of wine), and my head feels like it's going to explode when I cough.  Bending over brings an acute stab of pain shooting through my head, so I'm avoiding it.  No yoga class for me tonight!  I'm sitting in the recliner and watching television as the little gremlins move things around in my sinus cavities.  Once the antibiotic kicks in, I hope things will settle down and I can move without feeling like someone is driving a spike into my eyes.  They say misery loves company, but I really don't want to see anyone or do anything.  I just want the little gremlins in my head to leave. 

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