Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Another Loss

My son-in-law's father passed away today at the age of 74 after suffering with congestive heart failure for18 months,  the last of which confined him to bed and affected him mentally.  I hadn't seen him since his last visit to North Carolina, and right now I can't honestly remember if it was before he was diagnosed or shortly after.  He was the other grandfather of my daughter's children, father to my son-in-law and his brother, husband to Joan, uncle, friend, and U.S. military veteran. 
Seemingly, loss through death has visited my daughter's family recently.  Several of her friends have lost loved ones, causing Dori to feel and share their grief, then my mother-in-law passed away, and now her father-in-law.  Dying is the final act of the living, but it leaves loved ones bereft and causes a hole that can't easily be filled.
Al's death was expected, even hoped for, as his health declined and his ability to reason and function diminished.  His wife, Joan, had stood by his side and been a faithful caregiver much to the detriment of her own health, but that's the proof of a selfless loving soul.  I spoke with her this afternoon and know she's in a fog, aware her husband's suffering has ended and but now faced with the reality of life without him.  Not having to care for him will be huge adjustment as she has devoted the last year to doing so, seeing to his every need, taking him to doctors' appointments, picking him up off the floor, and often calling an ambulance to transport him to the hospital.  Life will be so very different for her now.  My prayer is that she can find joy in her 4 grandchildren and resume living life as it's meant to be lived.
Even as I mourn Al's passing, I'm keenly aware of my own mortality, which reminds me to love every day I have and to love my husband and family more than ever.  None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  Even though we may not be suffering from a fatal illness, we only have the now, the moment.  God, in his great goodness, never tells us when we'll breathe our last breath.  Al knew he was dying but didn't know it would be today. 
As Catholics around the world rejoiced at the naming of a new pope, Al slid into the presence of God today, 3/13/13, exactly 11 weeks since the passing of my mother-in-law.  I still need to have a good cry.  He will be missed.

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