Friday, April 13, 2012

Stairs and Faith

What do stairs have to do with faith?  I'll tell you!  I work on the 5th floor of a building, and there are 98 stairs in the interior stairwell.  I used to go up them but only go down since my back surgery; my plan is to drop enough of those extra pounds (some are already gone - Yeah!) added during my back injury to be able to do the stairs in a reasonable amount of time soon!  So I usually take the stairs down to the first floor during my lunch break, and this is where faith comes into play.  I know exactly how many stairs are between floors -- 2 sets of 12 stairs except between the 1st and 2nd floors, where there is one set of 8 stairs and 2 sets of 9 stairs -- but I find it extremely difficult to go down the stairs without looking at them!  How silly is that?!  I've counted them multiple times, yet to look at the wall and take each step causes me to pause at the eleventh step and cautiously take the last one!  No one has changed the number of stairs in the staircase, so I keep telling myself that I have a lack of faith in what I know to be positively a sure thing!  I'm now trying to take the stairs while focusing my eyes on the wall, but it's not an easy thing to do when I'm so used to looking as I put my foot on each step.
Faith is like that.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  His promises are true.  So why do we think we have to see every step that we take?  Stepping out in faith when there doesn't appear to be anything there is not easy, but it's the only way to move forward in God.  I'm faced with faith-walking in the realm of my book sales now, and I can tell you that I don't see anything happening.  I want to see what's next; I want to see that God's promises to me are fulfilled, but not seeing the future is what keeps me walking in faith.  The Lord is calling me to writing and speaking, and I must continue to have faith that it will come about.  Easy?  No, but I'll cling to what God has told me as I step out in faith every day.

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