Friday, April 27, 2012


While coming home from work the other day, it landed upon me to protect the lives of 2 parent Canadian geese and their five gosslings -- at least I think there were five; it was hard to tell given the circumstances.
My subdivision is off a 4-lane, divided road that's almost like a highway because the speed limit is 55 mph.  Although it's very open, it's also curvy in one section right before the turnoff into the subdivision, and there's a divider of grass about 15-20 feet wide in the middle.  As I came around the curve the other day, I was in the left lane and was leading a "pack" of cars that had just gone through the light, and there, right in the divider and heading onto the roadway, were two geese with their little ones!  I was destined to hit them unless I stopped!  As I braked quickly, I turned on my car flashers and prayed that no one would rearend me or the car behind me!  The geese and gosslings were literally right in front of my bumper and heading into the right lane of traffic when I realized that the drivers in the other lane could not see why we were stopped, and my heart went into my throat as I feared that I'd witness the wipeout of an entire family of geese in a split second!
Fortunately, the driver of the first car in the right lane slowed down and stopped just as the geese waddled and squacked their way onto the other side of the road.  I watched them go as I tried to keep my eyes on the traffic backing up behind me, thankful that a pileup had not occurred and grateful that the goose family had successfully crossed the road.  Needless to say, I was a bit shaken by the event.  I just hope they don't try to go back where they came from!
There is a natural drainage area at the side of our property, and it runs the entire length of the subdivision and then goes under the 4-lane road, and as the water ponds there, it attracks all kinds of wildlife, including ducks and geese.  It's a natural area that invites them to nest and hatch their young, and since the geese don't have any reasoning capabilities, if they decide to cross the road -- well, they cross the road, and it's upon the drivers to not hit them.  I encountered this migration about two weeks ago when I was going to the bank and ended up behind a car that was protecting some geese as they crossed another road with their little ones.  Since I'm an animal lover, I'll stop and let them pass while I enjoy the sight. 
The black-capped chickadee babies in the nest in one of our birdhouses are finally gone.  Much quieter outside now!  Found a robin's nest the other day and are waiting for eggs to appear.  I love this time of year when nature reproduces and we're blessed with the cycle of life that God has established.  And today little Julian is one year old!  And I must remind myself that I'm a year older than I was when he was born!  Time passes, babies are born, children grow up, parents grow older, and grandparents grow old.  Grab every day with enthusiasm and thank God for it. 

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