Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Learning Curve

With "Amanda's Hope" published, I'm languishing in the language of computers.  WestBow Press has set up a Yahoo account for me, as well as one on Facebook, AuthorsXpress, Twitter, TwitterFeed, AuthorCentral, and a few others.  The only ones with which I'm remotely familiar are Yahoo and Facebook.  I'm completely lost on the others.  Marketing this book is time-consuming, and since I work full-time, I'm stressed to the max about learning this other stuff.  I'm trying to find a college marketing student who'd be willing to help me learn how to use these social media, but my search is only one day old.  Young people have had computers around all of their lives; older people like me (notice I did not say "old") have a huge learning curve.  Yes, I use computers daily, but my knowledge is limited to the programs I use on my job, e-mail, and the Facebook thing.  I can't fix anything computer problem if something happens.  I use what I know and I know what I use.
I put up a post on my "official blog" and shared it on Facebook and Twitter, but I have no idea who will get my tweet.  It did show up on Facebook, and you can see the post by going to
Publishing a book is great, but it will do no good sitting in boxes and not being read.  The message of waiting until marriage for sex, the right to life of the unborn, the need to live a godly life, are all detested by the enemy of our souls, who is doing his best to keep this book and its message from getting out there.  I know I've been targeted because these things have happened in my life since March 19:  Husband Bob suffered a heart attack; the driver of another car pulled out in front of me without stopping at a stop sign, causing me to swerve to the left to avoid hitting him; a bicyclist turned directly in front of my car at an intersection, and I narrowly avoided hitting him; Bob didn't see and yield the right-of-way to another car at an intersection and we were almost hit; and a candle started a towel on fire in my son's house yesterday while I was there.  Thank God the fire was quickly extinguished by pulling the burning towel into the sink and turning on the water.  Not for a minute do I consider these events coincidences; they've all occurred since March 19, the day I gave final approval for the printing of "Amanda's Hope." 
I know full well that I'm in for battle with the writing of the book, but God's truth always prevails and God's will is never thwarted!  Please lift me and my family in your prayers for protection from the enemy.  I covet and cherish your prayers and your readership.  If you can go one step further and purchase a copy of "Amanda's Hope", you'll be standing with me in the fight for the rights of the unborn and for the truth of God's Word. 

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