Friday, February 10, 2012


Life is moving at both breakneck speed and a snail's pace!  Work has been extremely busy these last two weeks.  The stress has been almost unmanageable.  As a result, I have a lovely sore on my upper lip which was finally healing, or so I thought.  Now, however, it feels like another one is breaking out right next to it! 
Mondays come quickly after weekends that seem to fly by.  The work week drags along but before I know it, it's Friday again!  Going home and doing my "other" job drains me completely, leaving me no energy to review what I really need -- and want -- to do. 
"Amanda's Hope" will be ready to go to press as soon as I can proof the manuscript.  This isn't an easy task as the story runs 304 pages in novel size.  The cover is completed, and I must say I think it looks great!  Reviewing the manuscript requires meticulous scrutiny, and any errors and/or changes must be compared to the original manuscript to see if it was an error I made or one which the publisher made.  I can't do this type of work when I'm exhausted from a long day in the office.  I was able to do some review the other day when I left work early to watch my grandson play in a basketball game with his school's team.  I realized that there are errors in the manuscript, but I hope there aren't too many.  So I'm wondering WHEN I'm going to get this task accomplished?!  WHEN will the book go to press?  WHEN will I be able to seek speaking engagements for promoting the book and its subject?  WHEN will I be able to do what I love to do?
I know it's not for me to know when, and that's the hard part -- waiting and trusting God to bring these things about.  I'm praying for patience.  I believe God has called me to be a writer and a speaker, and I trust that everything will come together in HIS time, not mine.  But oh, how I want to finish reviewing the manuscript and get this into the hands of my publisher!!
On a lighter note, my grandson made several baskets in the game, and his team was up one point at the half, but they lost by 9 points.  It was a very tough, well-played game.  I was impressed with the skill level of these 8th-grade boys.  The last time I saw Luke play basketball on a team, I think he was 6 years old, and it was actually laughable!  Not anymore!  I cheered so much I almost lost my voice!  But that's what a proud grandmother is supposed to do!

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