Monday, August 15, 2011

Returning to Normal

Here I sit, and in less than 1.5 hours, I'll be back at work.  Preparing mentally and emotionally, as well as physically, hasn't been easy.  I greatly appreciate my job, but being in the workforce was not something I chose but was necessary when my children were very small.  As with many things in life, events occur which put us in positions in which we never would have gone voluntarily, and that's what happened to me.  I've never been able to break that cycle and have remained in the work force out of necessity all of my adult life.  The last 3.5 months, although filled with pain, have given me a break from the rat-race of life, and returning to it is going to take some adjusting.  My cats will certainly miss my presence at home!
As with every challenge I've ever faced, I'm looking to God to hold me up during this time of transition.  I'm trusting that, once I've gotten back into the groove of work, I'll be glad to be there. 
By the way, I saw my first monarch butterfly in our yard yesterday and watched as it flew from one butterfly weed to the next laying its eggs.  As I sit and type this, I'm looking out our windows and have seen several other monarchs this morning, and I'm thrilled about seeing them.  Soon we'll have those gorgeous caterpillars devouring the plants.  All of this reminds me that the cycle of life goes on and that God has orchestrated all of it. 

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