Monday, August 8, 2011

Moving Forward -- FINALLY!

The doctor visit last Friday yielded good news -- no new bulging or herniation of any discs in my back -- only an excessive amount of fluid buildup at the surgical site!  This should be absorbed with time.  That is what has been causing my pain, but I can say that I've seen a good deal of improvement in the last few days, which is a relief.  I'm planning on returning to work next Monday on a half-day basis for two weeks -- FINALLY!
Our weekend was busy.  Our five small grandsons, all four years of age or less, came for a visit and playtime together on Saturday, and again I'm reminded why only young people have children.  They wear me out!  All of the activity playing, running, squishing play-doh, and feeding that noisy crew is enough to exhaust even the most active grandparent!  But we thoroughly enjoyed having them.  However, we cleaned up after them in stages -- it was just too much to do all at once!  Saturday evening we got together with our "Overdrive" friends from church, a lively bunch of "older folks", to eat and share news and fellowship.  As usual, so much good food made it easy to eat too much!
Sunday saw a trip to our daughter's country club pool -- again with grandchildren, but this time it included Luke (almost 13 years old), Cami (9), Niland (4), and Benny (2).  Little Benny showed up a bit bruised from a fall down the entire flight of wood stairs at his house right before they got ready to leave.  His daddy said that he didn't even cry but looked rather shell-shocked when he got to the bottom.  He's going to have a black eye and bruise on his left cheek -- poor little guy!  But he loves to swim and was soon enjoying his cousins, uncle and aunt, daddy and his nana in the water.  He wears his floaty and floats around in 4 feet of water, perfectly comfortable with being bouyant, and loves to blow bubbles in the water.  Niland has learned to hold his breath and go under water; he's a crazy boy in the pool!  Both of them loved going down the spiral slide and into the water, too.  Cami and Luke have been good swimmers since they were 3 years old, so they were a great help with the small boys.  Niland and Benny will be taking their second swim classes at the Y sometime soon, and I'm sure they'll impress their teachers.
Bob chose not to go to the pool -- he's not a pool person, and he would have gotten a royal sunburn!  So I let him stay home, where he continued to work on painting our kitchen and breakfast area, which is being transformed by the fresh light color.  The area has a vaulted ceiling, but the dark paint (I call it green, but others call it gray) has swallowed the light and has hidden art work, the ceiling fan, and the glass shelf unit, but the light color -- officially called "Mint Whisper" -- has given the room an entirely new look and feel.  The room features 4 sliding glass doors and 2 windows, so there's plenty of light, but the paint swallowed the light and cast a dark hue on everything.  I'm so glad it's going away!
Bob joined us for dinner at my daughter's house, always a fun, tasty affair.  Time with family is so precious; we're blessed to have all of our children and grandchildren close by.  It makes it easy for us to be a part of their lives on a regular basis. 
Now I've got to prepare myself for return to work -- this hasn't been a vacation, but it will be an adjustment to return to punching the time-clock!  I am very thankful that I have a job! 

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