Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Three days back at work part-time, and I'm still not with the program!  In a way, it feels like I never left, and in other ways, I still feel like I'm somewhere else!  Some things have changed, both with company computer programs, and with employees, so I've had to ask questions and re-acclimate to the system. 
I'm rather bummed today -- can't bring myself to do much of anything since I got home.  I did a little weed pulling in the flower beds, and that was good, but the sun was torturously hot!  When I started, the sun was behind a much-appreciated cloud, but it moved on and left me with no shade, so the task quickly ended. 
It feels good, at least, to finally be able to do some work outside.  Being forced to watch weeds grow all summer irritated me to no end, so being able to get back at them and pull them made me feel good!  But the process is slow as there are so many weeds and only my two hands. 
I miss the baby birds that lived in the birdhouse for several weeks.  They fledged about four days ago, and if I'd sat and watched continuously, I would have seen them leave, but they were there one minute, sticking their heads out and chirping madly, and the next minute, they were gone.  It's quiet now.  They chirped so loudly that we could hear them with the windows and doors closed.
The monarch butterflies are now abundant in my yard, much to my relief.  I don't know why they took so long to show up, but I'm glad they've arrived.  They migrate to Mexico every year, so maybe they're like me -- reluctant to make the long journey. 
Adjustment is never easy, and the older I get, the more difficult it is for me.  It won't be long before I can start counting the days until retirement!  By then, my oldst grandchild will be in college! 

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