Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Introduction to Amanda

Now that I've posted my first 'post', I've got to concentrate on posting every few days, which will be difficult to do because LIFE takes up so much time. Last evening, my husband wasn't home, so when I got home from work, I watered the tomato plants I'm growing (literally hundreds of them), prepared and ate dinner, stripped the bed and washed and dried the linens, remade the bed, answered e-mails to inquiries from our ad on Craig's List of tomatoes for sale, answered and sent personal e-mails, rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes, and finally sat down to work on "Amanda's Hope" at 9 PM! I typed for about 50 minutes. It's difficult to get into characters that I've created in my mind when time is limited, when I'm rushed, and when I'm tired. My main character, Amanda, is just out of high school and facing a situation she never dreamed she'd ever have to face. I picture her as pixie cute with shoulder-length auburn hair, full of energy and zest for life, but she's gone through a period of rebellion against her parents and her Lord. Now faced with consequences, she has to decide what to do.
Life is fraught with dangers, temptations, and consequences. One doesn't wake up one morning and decide to do something dangerous or fall into a temptation that they've been resisting -- no, it's much more subtle than that. It's a slow slide, a slow change, and areas of black and white are no longer distinct, but are now gray. People give themselves away slowly, step by step, and oftentimes it's too late to go back to safety once they realize that they really don't like where they've ended up. Such is the case with Amanda, and I think all of us can relate to her. However, the consequences that we pay vary greatly, some being more severe and long-term than others.
Safety is found in God, in His ways, in His leading, in His Word. If you haven't opened your Bible for a long time, do so tonight and read a verse or two. Listen carefully, and you may hear something.

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