Sunday, March 21, 2010

I've started!

Here it is, Sunday night at 10:18, and I'm starting my first blog. This is quite an undertaking for someone my age who grew up with transistor radios, dial telephones, cars with no air-conditioning, and poodle skirts! But life has moved, too quickly for me at times, and my dreams have also changed with the passing of time. I'll wager that every person in life has something that they'd like to do which is totally beyond the realm of reason and has absolutely nothing to do with what they DO for a living. Well, mine has been to write a book, and I've already done that several times over and have self-published them, but the book on which I'm currently writing delves into a deep and controversial subject, which often splits families and political parties. But I must go there and write what I believe God has put on my heart to write, and I'd like you to go with me through the completion of this process.

For now, suffice it to say that the writing is difficult, the subject sensitive, and the outcome . . . ? I know, but I'll leave you suspended until my next post, which I'll try to do at least twice a week, if not more.

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