Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Looking Forward

When a person is discouraged, it's a good time to encourage others.  That's where I find myself lately - discouraged.  A year ago I was in the process of completing "Amanda's Hope" and going through the process of self-publishing the book, which turned out to be a rather grueling experience.  I was all fired up with hope and expectations that a year later, my life would be much different.  Well, it's a year later, and it's pretty much the same -- other than the fact that my husband suffered a heart attack in March which has left us paying hundreds of dollars on a hospital bill every month.  So yes, some things have changed, but the overall picture of where I thought I would be hasn't.  Thus my discouragement.
We had a speaker at our church Sunday in both the morning and evening services.  David Martin teaches encouragement and walking in what God has planned for us, and I can tell you I needed to hear what he had to say.  My level of discouragement can't get much lower.  I truly believed my book would be a success, I'd be able to travel locally and then around the country talking about my book and its central theme of abortion versus right to life.  I truly thought I'd no longer be sitting at my office desk working in a job in which I find little pleasure.  I believed I'd be having lunch with my daughters and helping out with the grandkids, not just seeing them for a few hours every other weekend or so.  The stress of working full-time, keeping my home and all that entails, and not having the time or the money to do what I'd rather be doing and to give like I'd rather be giving have weighed heavily on me, and I'm discouraged.  To encourage myself, I'm going to encourage you, my readers, and if I make a difference in one of your lives, I'm blessed.
Last night I heard:  that I must dream big, so I'm not going to give up my vision of speaking and writing for a living; that I must visualize my dreams; that I must plan how to fulfill my dreams; that I must focus on my dream; that all things are possible with God!  Now that's a good word, but it's meaningless unless I take it to heart and actually DO what I heard.  Hearing is good, but hearing yields nothing.  Doing is what brings results.  Another good part of what I heard was that God wants me to succeed so He can show other people what happens when a person follows His principles, so I can take care of myself (not be a burden to anyone or live in want), and so I can bless others who are in need!
Wisdom is to be chased down and acquired; it's the most precious thing for all of us (that's in the Bible, you know!)!  We alone decide how to spend our time, even the hours that we work, for we choose to go to work every day and in turn get paid for our time.  How many of us waste time watching television instead of helping others or building relationships with family?  We need to gain wisdom to help us reach our dreams and we need to read, read, read! 
So many words of wisdom were spoken for me and many others to hear, but it's now up to me and my husband to work toward our goals.  When one is discouraged, the other needs to encourage.  The Word of God contains all wisdom; all we need to do is read it and apply it to our lives.
So I encourage all who are discouraged!  As David Martin says, "The rest of your life will be the best of your life!" if we apply what God has made available to us.  I'm going to do it.  How about you?

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