Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cookie Decorating Day!

After baking 18 dozen (no, that's not a typo) cookies on Saturday, the grandkids came over Sunday afternoon to decorate them.  This has become a tradition, but with 7 grandchildren and another one on the way, it's now a major project also but certainly one we enjoy.  Only the oldest grandchild, Luke, did not come, so we had 6 children, ages 1.5 years (Julian), 3 years (Benny), 4 years (Cooper and Wilson), 5 years (Niland), and 10 years (Cami - our only granddaughter).  They stayed for 4 hours so the parents could have a break and get some things done in preparation for Christmas without children in tow.  My son, Nathan, stayed to help us with the kids, especially little Julian, who ate more cookies than anyone, I think!  Frosting and sprinkles were everywhere on the table we had set up, but thankfully we have hardwood floors so the mess was easily cleaned.  When the kids finished or simply quit decorating their 3 dozen cookies each, we played on the Wii and took a brief walk outside to see the ducks, which had flown off to somewhere else. 
It was nice to have a breather of normalcy after the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, but as I looked at all our beautiful grandchildren, I couldn't fathom losing one of them.  They are all so very precious and fiercely loved.  My heart grieved even as I enjoyed our very busy day and basked in the miracle of family.
We hugged them all a bit harder when they left laden with their boxes of cookies.  I've attached some photos of our day.  Please enjoy your children/grandchildren/family and never take life for granted; no one is guaranteed tomorrow.  We have only the moment we have. 

I'll soon post my Christmas card to family, friends, and my readers.  Enjoy the moment that God has given you. 

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