Thursday, December 13, 2012

Is it Christmas Yet?

We finally started our Christmas shopping Tuesday evening.  The store at which we shopped (yes, it was only one store) was busy, but not like it would be on the weekends.  More shopping has been done on line, and it will be nice to see boxes arrive at my doorstep without having to drive somewhere, park (if indeed I could actually find a parking space), walk through store after store, and wait in long lines to check out.  And I'm really going to have to press things to get my shopping done because tonight (Thursday) is my grocery shopping night; tomorrow evening is Family Night at our church (talent show and concert); Saturday I need to bake 18 dozen cookies (3 dozen for each grandchild) so they'll have cookies to decorate on Sunday afternoon when they come over for the traditional Christmas Cookie Decorating Day (maybe it should be a national holiday!).  All but the youngest grandchild will be participating, so we'll have a house full of kids ranging in age from 3 - 14 years from 1 - 5 p.m. Sunday.  And then some of them will be staying for dinner.  Do you think I'll be tired when they leave?  We won't have any time to shop for presents this weekend!
Because Bob's daughters and their families are coming for Christmas celebration on December 23, that will leave us 6 days to finish our shopping!  Even though my fingers are flying as fast as they can, I still have several things to knit/crochet before December 25, so I'm glad it's not Christmas yet!
One of the things I love to do when I'm at home preparing for Christmas is listen to music of the season.  As I sing along, I'm reminded of the best gift I've ever received, the gift of God's Son, and that's the reason why I give to others.  The season may be hectic, crazy, rushed, and even frustrating at times, but we celebrate Christmas because of the birth of Christ.  "Happy Holidays" does not cut it for me.  I will say "Merry Christmas" because it is the essence of the meaning of the holiday, the fragrance of the personhood of God the Creator. 
Is it Christmas yet?  No, but God's gift is available 24/7, not just on December 25.  You can look for Jesus and find him any day of the year.
Happy shopping!

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