Monday, February 27, 2012


After countless grueling hours at the computer, "Amanda's Hope -- A Choice For Life" is finished!
When I started this process, I had no idea how intense it would be, and I can honestly say I'm relieved to have it completed.  I'm ready to sign off on the galley and covers after I get the final word from a friend who is reviewing the manuscript one last time.
Writing a novel 300 pages long isn't something I ever dreamed of doing.  When I was a child, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up!  But life has a way of interrupting plans, and out of necessity I went into the legal secretarial field.  Now, however, a passion to write and speak is burning in my soul, and I believe God is going to use this book to launch my later-in-life-and-more-fulfilling career.  I've felt trapped in a box for months and am eager to see what God is going to do!  I may be over 60, but God isn't finished with me yet!
Thanks for your support and prayers, and I ask that you continue to pray for God's leading as I step out of the boat and walk in faith on the waters placed before me!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Simple Lesson

Okay, I know it's been way to loong since I posted, but I've been busy!  My job has required a level of work for me that makes it difficult to leave my desk and get a drink of water or coffee!  As most of you probably know, when you come home, you want to just sit and not do anything, but most of us don't have that luxury.  Dinner to prepare, laundry to wash, kids who need time and attention, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. calls to us, and we MUST answer!  I'd dare to say that most of us have other things to do besides the ordinary, too, and my project has been my book.  I've spent tedious hours going over the manuscript and came up with over 60 errors/changes that had to be made, but those are done and now I have to look at it again to make sure everything is set so it can go to press.  The jacket is ready, and once I sign off on both the jacket and interior, things will move forward.
I had a little scare at the beginning of the week.  I developed back pain beginning Saturday afternoon, and it intensified so much so that I left work at noon on Monday, called my orthopedic surgeon, and went to see him at 4 p.m.  X-rays showed I had soft tissue swelling at the surgical site due to calcification of the spine.  I was given tapered Prednisone and a muscle relaxer and told to take it easy, so I took Tuesday off and did nothing but sit at my computer and work on the book with the heatpad on my back.  Friday morning was the first day I had no pain, so I was greatly relieved that there's nothing else going out of whack in my back!
When I woke Friday, the alarm wasn't set to go off for another 45 minutes, so I crawled out of bed, dressed and headed out the door for a brisk walk.  We were enjoying very warm weather for several days in this area so I wanted to take advantage of it because storms were on our doorstep and would sweep in much cooler temperatures.  As I walked down the street that connects to ours and which is the main street through our development, I saw an old truck parked at the curb.  I'd seen this truck before -- last summer some men were working on it in the driveway of one of the houses.  It looked much better now as the interior had been restored and the exterior was in the process of being done, leaving the truck body with gray and red patches. 
Then God revealed a simple lesson to me.  We're like that truck.  It had been wasting away somewhere when someone came along and decided it was worth value, pulled it from the dump, and started giving it a new life.  How like that is God!?  He finds us where we are, lost in our sin, worthless and falling apart, and sees our value and what we can become.  He pulls us from the dump and changes us from the inside out, restoring our hearts, which is then reflected in our bodies.  Soon, we're functioning again, working for His kingdom and His glory.
A rescued vehicle which is beautiful just on the outside isn't what someone expects.  When a vehicle is restored, the interior is also done, which is the way God works.  If you feel like you've been discarded and left to decay, remember that God knows where you are and wants to pull you from the trash heap of Satan's kingdom to bring you into newness of life and complete restoration in Him.  All you have to do is say yes to the price He paid -- Jesus!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Life is moving at both breakneck speed and a snail's pace!  Work has been extremely busy these last two weeks.  The stress has been almost unmanageable.  As a result, I have a lovely sore on my upper lip which was finally healing, or so I thought.  Now, however, it feels like another one is breaking out right next to it! 
Mondays come quickly after weekends that seem to fly by.  The work week drags along but before I know it, it's Friday again!  Going home and doing my "other" job drains me completely, leaving me no energy to review what I really need -- and want -- to do. 
"Amanda's Hope" will be ready to go to press as soon as I can proof the manuscript.  This isn't an easy task as the story runs 304 pages in novel size.  The cover is completed, and I must say I think it looks great!  Reviewing the manuscript requires meticulous scrutiny, and any errors and/or changes must be compared to the original manuscript to see if it was an error I made or one which the publisher made.  I can't do this type of work when I'm exhausted from a long day in the office.  I was able to do some review the other day when I left work early to watch my grandson play in a basketball game with his school's team.  I realized that there are errors in the manuscript, but I hope there aren't too many.  So I'm wondering WHEN I'm going to get this task accomplished?!  WHEN will the book go to press?  WHEN will I be able to seek speaking engagements for promoting the book and its subject?  WHEN will I be able to do what I love to do?
I know it's not for me to know when, and that's the hard part -- waiting and trusting God to bring these things about.  I'm praying for patience.  I believe God has called me to be a writer and a speaker, and I trust that everything will come together in HIS time, not mine.  But oh, how I want to finish reviewing the manuscript and get this into the hands of my publisher!!
On a lighter note, my grandson made several baskets in the game, and his team was up one point at the half, but they lost by 9 points.  It was a very tough, well-played game.  I was impressed with the skill level of these 8th-grade boys.  The last time I saw Luke play basketball on a team, I think he was 6 years old, and it was actually laughable!  Not anymore!  I cheered so much I almost lost my voice!  But that's what a proud grandmother is supposed to do!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sammy's Snack

Cats are bound to catch mice if they are allowed to go outside.  Our black cat, Samson, a/k/a Sammy, has done his fair share of mousing through his 13 years of life, but he hasn't limited his hunting skills to mice.  Besides mice, he has brought us frogs and toads, lizards (small ones), one huge rat, two young oposums (one dead and one alive in the same night), multiple birds, and small voles.  Saturday he brought us a mouse which was still very much alive.  Being a nice day outside, we quickly shut the cat door to prevent him from taking his catch inside and then we went outside to congratulate him.  Soon he dropped the mouse on the grass and proceeded to bat it around.  I felt bad for the mouse; it was still alive and squeaking madly.  At times Sammy would walk away and watch his catch from afar, but he always came back to it, especially when the little crittered tried to get away.  That, however, was not possible as the mouse was injured and unable to run quickly.  I videotaped the episode in clips and took some photographs just for the fun of it.  During what turned out to be my last videoclip, Sammy started gnawing on the little critter, who finally had met his demise, and then he ate it -- every last bit of it!  Now, I've seen Sammy eat mice before, but it's been years since he's done that.  I can honestly say I haven't seen him eat a mouse for the last 4 years, ever since he had several teeth removed.
This mouse, however, must have been too good to pass up.