Monday, January 3, 2011

The Naked Truth

So, the new year has arrived, and I'm among a multitude of people, I'm certain, who've pledged to lose weight this year.  Yes, I'll admit it, I've put on more than a few pounds during the last six months or so, and I can't stop the weight gain.  Some of my friends, those who see me regularly, probably won't say that I've put on weight, but I have, and way too much!  Having always been on the slender side (at least most of my life), to be carrying around poundage that makes me uncomfortable is not only frustrating, it's embarrassing to me.  So this morning, I got naked, weighed myself and wrote the horrible number down.  It was definitely not pretty!  Then I measured my bust, waist (actually, I couldn't find my waist -- it no longer exists!), hips (couldn't believe it!), upper leg (which is about 1.5 inches smaller than my waist used to be!), and my upper arms.  All the measurements were written down.  I'll repeat this process every Saturday morning (I had a day off today and thus started this venture today -- trying to start it this past Saturday in the midst of a late Christmas celebration, the New Year in full swing, and my husband's birthday -- was impossible).
I wrote down everything I ate today and was careful to eat healthy foods.  I was at one of the malls in Raleigh, visiting with my daughter-in-law and two little grandsons, at lunchtime, and we went to the foodcourt where I purchased a healthy Subway sandwich.  I passed up mini-muffins later in the day, but it wasn't easy.  I'm going to shed this weight that has crept onto my body because I don't like it!  I'm not used to the weight, none of my clothes fit (thankfully, I was given a gift card and went shopping after Christmas and was able to purchase enough clothing to keep me attired until I can get into my 'old' clothes).  I would have much rather spent it on something else, but I did what I had to do.  It's uncomfortable squeezing into clothes that cut you in half when you sit down!  Walking with Niland through the neighborhood enforced my need to get back in shape; that little guy can run pretty fast! 
On a more serious note, I do want to lose the weight and get back in shape because I believe it's my responsibility to take good care of my body, the body that God has given me.  I know I won't live forever, but until the time I pass on to glory, I've decided to eat healthy and get enough exercise to stay in shape in order to better serve my Lord.  When one is weak, sickly, overweight to the point that one's lifestyle and ability to do things is affected, or lazy, how can we do the things that are physically demanding?  We can't!  So I am determined to stop eating stuff that isn't nutritious, get daily exercise and adequate sleep.  More importantly, I plan on spending more time in the Word.   The truth of the matter is that all of my 'busyness' has pulled me from time with God, time with my Best Friend, and I've suffered for it in many ways.  I want God to bless my life but haven't found time to be with Him on a daily basis.  Would I want to give a child of mine something s/he wanted if they never were in contact with me?  Certainly not!  Relationship is so important, and I confess here that I've slidden down the slippery slope of lack of discipline in setting aside time to be with God.
So my resolution is two-fold:  To lose weight, and to gain time with God.  I'll keep you posted on my progress. 

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