Friday, December 31, 2010

Another Year Closing

The last day of the year has arrived, and it seems impossible that we're staring 2011 in the face.  When I look in the mirror every morning, I see a woman who's getting older with each passing day, and I don't know if I'm ready for old age.  Granted, 61 isn't very old.  When I was a little girl, people in their 50's and 60's looked very old to me.  Now that I'm there, I don't think I look as old as many people my age, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm now a senior citizen!  I remember sitting outside on the glider with my 3-year-old grandson last summer.  I was wearing shorts, and he was sitting in my lap, and he saw my vericose veins and asked, "What happend to you leg, Nana?"  I had to laugh and explain that nothing had happened other than old age!  It's a process that can't be stopped.

I'm grateful for many things that have happened this year -- first of all, for having the gift of life for 2010.  Many people didn't see the end of the year.  Other gifts that my husband and I received include our good health; our jobs; having Mom close by and not 500+ miles away; our home, family, and friends; reliable cars, hosting people who needed a place to stay; the ability to give to others; volunteering with Stop Child Trafficking Now; having food on the table and extra to give away; donating Christmas gifts to those in need; fresh vegetables from our gardens; flowers blooming profusely in our yard; the sound of birds singing and frogs croaking; seeing geese fly above the trees, honking as they went; and hugs and sloppy wet kisses from grandbabies.  The list could go on and on, and it should because there's much for which to be thankful.

This Saturday, we'll celebrate Christmas with my husband's daughters and their families as that celebration was postponed due to last Sunday's snowstorm.  Again, there will be gifts exchanged and too much food eaten, but the day will again remind us of our many blessings.

Monday I plan on undecorating the Christmas tree, packing away all the ornaments that have adorned the tree for so many years and will do so for years to come.  Memories are wrapped up in each ornament, some hand-made, others purchased and given by someone special.  Life is a series of memories, one built upon the other, composing a story that is unique to each of us.  Some of us will have long stories, while other's stories will be abreviated. 

This evening, we will be celebrating both the incoming New Year and my husband's birthday at the home of some good friends -- something that's becoming a tradition.  We'll have a light dinner of homemade soup, fresh bread, salad, and whatever sweets are left over from Christmas, and then play Mexican Train, a domino game that is so much fun.  Then we'll sit in front of the television and watch the Bill and Gloria Gaither Special until the clock slips into 2011 before returning home.

As we look forward to 2011, I pray that it will be better than this year.  For us, another grandchild will arrive in either late April or early May, and the additon of another person to our family is always such a joyous occasion.  But we don't know what the coming year holds, and it is that uncertainty, that unpredictability, that keeps me clinging to the One I need every day of my life, my anchor in my storms -- God.  If we knew what life was going to be like, would any of us need God?  Of would the seeing thrust us more fully into His arms?  I only know that I can't walk this path of life by myself, and I thank God that He has ordained my steps, that He has promised to be with me each step of the way, that He has given me the Bible to light the way, and that He will see me through to the end.  I hope and pray that the same holds true for you.

I'll see you in 2011 -- and please drop a comment once in a while.  I'd love to hear from my readers around the world.  (I won't publish your comment if you don't want it published).  Happy New Year! 

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