Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last evening, around 9:30 PM, I completed the writing of "Amanda's Hope"! Needless to say, I was thrilled to reach the end of Amanda's story, but I must confess that her story doesn't end, not here, anyway. However, the part that was told is completed, and now I must have my proof readers complete their task, and I must review the manuscript once more and make any revisions that come to light. Hopefully, that will be completed within a week or so, and then the task of creating the book on-line begins. Having gone through that process several times, I've gained knowledge as to how to accomplish it, so that should take no more than 4 hours. With that thought in mind, I press on to get the book into print.
As I was editing the book today during my lunch hour, it dawned on me that I've learned a lot during the process of writing Amanda's story. First of all, I've learned that my timetables aren't necessarily God's timetables; that life will interrupt; that education about one's topic is a very good thing; that stressing out over self-made deadlines is useless; and that God has His way of changing things without notice. Even though I'd hoped to get this book done much sooner, the completion date isn't as important as completing the book, and that I've done. So I'd like you to rejoice with me and pray that the final product will touch many lives, for I believe the message is a strong one that needs to be spread. Thank you for following my progress in this endeavor, and I hope that the end result will be something that touches not only you, but many others as well.
I'll let you know when the book is in print! God's blessings to all!


  1. Barbara,

    SOOOOO Excited to read this and so happy for you...I am going to be your biggest cheerleader on this and will at least get it in the hands of some local pro life leaders...incredible..

  2. This is the third try to post something...SOO Excited for you and I cannot wait to read it..awesome...
