Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Slowly but Surely

One day off resulted in more than eight pages being written, and now I'm striving to find the time to write even one page! And finding the time to blog has been nearly impossible also! However, I need to take responsibility for how I've used my time -- now that the weather is warm, I'm outside working in my vegetable and/or flower gardens at every opportunity, so much of the blame for not making any progress on the book is in my lap. Of course, I could say that it's God's fault for making such fabulous warm weather! Who can resist? Not me! So I'm now taking my laptop to work, sitting in my car during my hour-long lunch break, and writing. I think this is the only way I'm going to get this book completed. Yesterday I successfully wrote two pages in 40 minutes, so if I can continue at that rate, I'll be able to write 12-14 pages during five lunch hours. I do see the end in sight and am encouraged by that, as well as from my readers and supporters.
Amanda also sees the end in sight, but the difference between her end and mine is that mine is flexible -- hers isn't. The end for which she waits will arrive no matter what --there's absolutely nothing she can do to stop it -- while my end moves continually and only time will tell when I actually get there. Support for Amanda comes in many forms, too -- her family, her Lord, her neighbors, and, amazingly, her co-workers. No one on this earth was meant to go it alone. God is a triune being, and God stated in the beginning that it wasn't good for man to be alone; God has never been alone, and neither should any of us. I've utilized my husband, friends, and family to hold me up during the writing of this story, and it would be impossible without God directing me daily. I encourage everyone to regularly reach out to God and to others and to not wait until there is a crisis to do so. Surviving a crisis is more likely if you already are wearing a life jacket compared to hoping and waiting for someone to toss you a lifeline when you're sinking.

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