Thursday, January 17, 2013

Snow in North Carolina!

At the time of this writing, it's snowing like crazy in Durham, North Carolina.  It had rained heavily earlier this evening after days of foggy and drizzly weather, and now cold air is rushing in, changing the rain to snow.  While it's beautiful, it's also dangerous because the heavy wet snow is sticking to tree branches and bringing down trees, according to the news.  We've lost our television signal due to the snow (that's why I'm not happy with satellite television!), but we still have power and thus have the computer.  Being from Connecticut, I enjoy it when it snows here because I don't have to shovel it (it's usually not very much), I don't have to scrape it off my car (the car is parked in the garage), and I know it won't last long.  The forecast calls for several inches, but only time will tell.  I'll have to wait until morning to see!
Last weekend I was supposed to have Niland and Benny overnight Saturday, but Benny opted out at the last minute.  I'd rather have him go home with Daddy than be upset and crying when he was supposed to go to sleep.  Niland, however, was very happy to stay and proudly exclaimed, "It will be special, Nana, 'cause it's just me!"  And he was right! 
Before my son took the other two boys home, we put all three of them in the jacuzzi tub in our bathroom.  My son declared that he never used to understand the nursery rhyme, "Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub," until he had 3 boys!  I'd forgotten how much water kids can splash around, but they loved the water squirting from the jets.
The next morning, Niland wanted pancakes, and I thoroughly agreed with him, so we made them from scratch.  Niland got to dump all the ingredients into the bowl, and when I added the baking powder, he said, "That's what makes the pancakes fluffy!"  Are you kidding me?
As we cooked them, Niland stated, "They're ready to flip when they get bubbles on them!"  Niland is only 5 years old, yet I can honestly say he knows more about cooking than does my sweet husband! 
After church we played outside in the remarkable warmth of 75 degrees - yes, 75 degrees!  Niland was in shorts and a shirt.  As he explored the back yard, he found and caught a gecko under a log down the slope.  I've never even caught a gecko and haven't really wanted to catch one!  Wanting to gather fire wood for our fire pit, Niland proceeded to pick up fallen branches and found one log that was as tall as him that he really wanted to drag up the slope but couldn't because it was too heavy.  He then flipped that log end to end, over and over, and got that heavy log up the slope all by himself.  Needless to say, he was sweating profusely but was very proud of himself.  So was I.  Bob has to cut the log in order to use it in the fire pit.
So we've gone from 75 degrees last Sunday to 33 degrees and heavy snow right now.  God's creation is magnificent!  The snow offers so much beauty, draping the outdoors in silence, the snowflakes making swishing sounds as they hit the ground.  In a few weeks, the daffodils will start poking through the soil, soon to adorn the ground with splashes of yellow.  Winter doesn't last long here, so I don't mind it when it snows! 

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