Thursday, November 1, 2012


Yesterday evening at 5:35 p.m. my sister from Florida arrived at our house, which was an hour and a half earlier than I expected her.  It was so good to see her!  It has been around 12 years since we've seen each other and we don't look the same, but our heart are still young.

Winnie left for Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, this morning when I left for work, and she arrived safely mid-afternoon.  Now I'm in the process of preparing for our drive tomorrow.  After an appointment with my eye doctor (I need new glasses), we'll follow my sister's path to our brother's home in Harper's Ferry.  I can't wait for our reunion.

Family is a funny thing.  When you're kids, you fight with your siblings like cats and dogs, but when you're grown up, you're best friends.  I know that's true in my life, and it's true in my kids' lives.  So for you parents out there praying that your kids won't kill each other, be assured that will pass.  They'll actually like each other in the coming years and will long for time spent together. 

God has been so good to my brother, sparing his house from damange and loss of power in Superstorm Sandy.  We're so excited about going to see him and his wife tomorrow.  I just hope I can sleep tonight! 

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