Friday, November 16, 2012


Being a woman, my mind is always going in a dozen different directions at once.  Thoughts flash through my mind, often escaping my grasp as I move on to the next one!  The brain is an incredible -- thing?  Instrument?  I mean, what should I call it?  Thinking about all the brain does is mind-boggling!  Right now I'm using a computer, typing on a keyboard and spelling words that your brain intreprets to mean something; my thoughts are organized by my brain, as are my ideas.  The brain interprets light that enters through our eyes so we can move about safely; the brain interprets language, creates ideas, processes thoughts, sends messages to different parts of our body for movement, interprets the fragrances and odors we smell, gives us the incredible sense of touch - basically all body functions are processed through the brain, and just thinking about the superb design and function of the brain humbles me. 
How can anyone possibly think that something as intricate and amazing as our brains came into existence by mere chance?  How?  How could chance - or millions of years - produce the brain?  Add to that the complexity of human emotions and you've multiplied the equation countless times.  How can chance create love, hate, rebellion, desire, sadness, grief, joy, fear, dread, anxiety, disappointment, hope, hopelessness, peace, patience, tenderness, goodness, kindness, exhiliration, revenge, laughter, sexuality, competition, envy, jealousy, and more?  Only God can create things that one cannot touch or see but which are as real as the nose on my face. 
The next time someone presents to you the preposterous idea that we came into existence by chance, think about these things.  In fact, think about them now so you'll know how to respond to those who choose the path of disbelief.  God is the creator of all things seen and unseen, both on earth and in the life hereafter.  I'm in awe of His creativity. 

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