Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Success at Last

Our rainy Saturday sent us home from our campsite, where we napped, rested, and hung around our dry house until evening. Then we went to a movie, which we don't often do because there's never much worth paying money to see. After the movie, we got Chinese and then went to bed in our dry beds. If the campsite had been a great distance from our home, we would have toughed out the rainy day and been fine, but since we were so close to home, we opted to go home for the day.
Sunday morning dawned with the sun breaking through the clouds. By the time breakfast was over, the skies were blue with hardly a cloud in sight. We headed back to the campsite and found our tent surrounded on one end with water. A few very small puddles had formed inside the tent. We turned on a space heater and fan inside the tent to start the drying out process. Now that the rain had actually ended, things would be able to dry before we had to pack them away. Bob and I left the campsite and headed toward the lake and took a short hike close to the water. We spotted a great blue heron, which landed on a dead tree limb close to the water's edge, and were able to get some good photos. Wild mushrooms abounded, some looking like sponges in the ocean. Mosses carpeted the forest floor. Rays of sun filtered through the trees, shafts of light illuminating the leaves, twigs and pine needles on the ground. Waterfalls trickled over rocks, tumbling to join the waters of the lake. The hike was a feast for our senses.
After sitting on the water's edge for a time, we returned to the campsite and prepared lunch. Our son and his family soon arrived, and the two little boys were so excited. We did some fishing, but only as much as 3-year-old Benny could handle. He just didn't understand that you don't reel in your line as soon as you throw it out!
Returning to the campsite, we made pie iron pizzas and grilled cheese sandwiches, and we toasted marshmallows. The smoke in our eyes didn't even bother us. We were camping! And it wasn't raining!
When it came time to break camp, the boys pitched in and helped by pulling out stakes and putting them in bags and assisted us with taking down the fiberglass tent poles. They carried things to the truck. They were so excited to help Nana and Papa Bob take down their tent, but now they really, really want to go camping overnight! God redeemed our rainy Saturday with His gorgeous Sunday!
Our next camping trip will not be preplanned but will be a spur-of-the-moment, let's-go-camping-now decision. If that doesn't happen this year, we'll do it next spring. In the meantime, the firepit on the backyard will have to suffice for toasting marshmallows and getting smoke in our eyes.

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