Friday, October 21, 2011

Road Trip

My husband and I are taking a much-needed "road trip" to South Carolina to attend a Southern Gospel Music event.  We'll be staying at the house of some friends who live in Myrtle Beach, and they will be attending the event, which runs Friday night through Saturday evening, with us.  Then we'll attend church with them on Sunday before we return home.  We'll stop in Raleigh and visit my mother-in-law, whose assisted living place has been under quarantine due to an outbreak of a stomach virus, the one she shared with us.  The quarantine was lifted yesterday, I believe, unless there's been another person who's become ill, so it will be good to see her.  Her 89th birthday was last Tuesday, and we haven't had a proper celebration.
The weather is a little cool for this time of year, but the sun is shining brightly and the sky is clear.  We are so looking forward to this short break!  I think we deserve it!  Our cats will be tended to by our tenant and our neighbor, so all will be well on the home-front.
Breaks from the work and routine of everyday life are needed; even Jesus got away from the crowds and from his ministry to get in touch with his Father, and attending this Southern Gospel Music event will surely touch our souls as we seek restoration from our Father, too. 
Have a blessed weekend! 

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